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csyxwei /orojar:2e1e7851

Input schema

The fields you can use to run this model with an API. If you don’t give a value for a field its default value will be used.

Field Type Default value Description
{"eyeglasses":0, "gender":1, "fringe orientation":0, "hair color":1.5, "fringe length":1, "horizontal pose":0, "vertical pose":0, "light":1}
Paramters for generation. For eyeglasses, better in [-5, 2], minus is add eyeglasses. For gender, better in [-2, 2], minus is change to male. For fringe orientation, better in [-3, 3], minus is toward to the left. For hair color, better in [-3, 3], minus is to be blond. For fringe length, better in [-3, 3], minus is to be short. For horizontal pose, better in [-3, 3], minus is toward to the right. For vertical pose, better in [-5, 2], minus is toward to the up. For light, better in [-2, 2], minus is to be light.
Factor to control the sampled latent input

Output schema

The shape of the response you’ll get when you run this model with an API.

{'items': {'properties': {'file': {'format': 'uri',
                                   'type': 'string',
                                   'x-order': 0},
                          'text': {'type': 'string', 'x-order': 1}},
           'type': 'object'},
 'type': 'array',
 'x-cog-array-type': 'iterator'}