fabiotgolo / ibrunon

IBRUNON with striking and angular features, with short, slightly messy hair that is predominantly dark with gray strands. He has a short, well-groomed beard, also interspersed with gray, and his deep-set eyes are complemented by thick eyebrows.

  • Public
  • 33 runs
  • Fine-tune

Run time and cost

This model runs on Nvidia H100 GPU hardware. We don't yet have enough runs of this model to provide performance information.


IBRUNON, the man with striking and angular features, with short, slightly messy hair that is predominantly dark with gray strands. He has a short, well-groomed beard, also interspersed with gray, and his deep-set eyes are complemented by thick eyebrows. His expression is serious but conveys confidence and calmness. Dressed in a black leather jacket over a basic black t-shirt, he exudes a modern, minimalist, and sophisticated style.