mtg / music-approachability-engagement

Classification of music approachability and engagement

  • Public
  • 6.9K runs
  • GitHub
  • License

Classification of music approachability and engagement

This demo runs transfer learning models to estimate music approachability and engagement using effnet-discogs embeddings. We include three model types, providing different outcome formats: two classes, three classes, and regression with continuous values:

  • two classes: low, and high approachability and engagement.
  • three classes: low, mid, and high approachability and engagement.
  • regression: continuous values of approachability and engagement from 0 (low) to 1 (high).

These classifiers were trained on in-house MTG datasets.

Source models

effnet-discogs is an EfficientNet architecture trained to predict music styles for 400 of the most popular Discogs music styles.

Transfer learning models

Our models consist of single-hidden-layer MLPs trained on the considered embeddings.


These models are part of Essentia Models made by MTG-UPF and are publicly available under CC by-nc-sa and commercial license.