sakemin / musicgen-chord

Generate music restricted to chord sequences and tempo

  • Public
  • 2.4K runs
  • GitHub
  • License

If you haven’t yet trained a model on Replicate, we recommend you read one of the following guides.


Trainings for this model run on 8x Nvidia A40 (Large) GPU hardware, which costs $0.0058 per second.

Create a training

Install the Python library:

pip install replicate

Then, run this to create a training with sakemin/musicgen-chord:c940ab43 as the base model:

import replicate

training = replicate.trainings.create(

curl -s -X POST \
-d '{"destination": "{username}/<destination-model-name>", "input": {...}}' \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $REPLICATE_API_TOKEN" \

The API response will look like this:

  "id": "zz4ibbonubfz7carwiefibzgga",
  "version": "c940ab4308578237484f90f010b2b3871bf64008e95f26f4d567529ad019a3d6",
  "status": "starting",
  "input": {
    "data": "..."
  "output": null,
  "error": null,
  "logs": null,
  "started_at": null,
  "created_at": "2023-03-28T21:47:58.566434Z",
  "completed_at": null

Note that before you can create a training, you’ll need to create a model and use its name as the value for the destination field.

Fine-tuning MusicGen Chord

For the instruction of MusicGen fine-tuning, please check the blog post : Fine-tune MusicGen to generate music in any style



  • Compressed files in formats like .zip, .tar, .gz, and .tgz are compatible for dataset uploads.
  • Single audio files with .mp3, .wav, and .flac formats can also be uploaded.
  • Audio files within the dataset must exceed 30 seconds in duration.
  • Audio Chunking : Files surpassing 30 seconds will be divided into multiple 30-second chunks.
  • Vocal Removal : If drop_vocals is set to True, the vocal tracks in the audio files will be isolated and removed.(Default : drop_vocals = True)
    • For datasets containing audio without vocals, setting drop_vocals = False reduces data preprocessing time and maintains audio file quality.

Text Description

  • If each audio file requires a distinct description, create a .txt file with a single-line description corresponding to each .mp3 or .wav file. (eg. 01_A_Man_Without_Love.mp3 and 01_A_Man_Without_Love.txt)
  • For a uniform description across all audio files, set the one_same_description argument to your desired description(str). In this case, there’s no need for individual .txt files.
  • Auto Labeling : When auto_labeling is set to True, labels such as ‘genre’, ‘mood’, ‘theme’, ‘instrumentation’, ‘key’, and ‘bpm’ will be generated and added to each audio file in the dataset(Default : auto_labeling = True)

Train Parameters

Train Inputs

  • dataset_path: Path = Input(“Path to dataset directory”,)
  • one_same_description: str = Input(description=”A description for all of audio data”, default=None)
  • auto_labeling: bool = Input(description=”Creating label data like genre, mood, theme, instrumentation, key, bpm for each track. Using essentia-tensorflow for music information retrieval.”, default=True)
  • drop_vocals: bool = Input(description=”Dropping the vocal tracks from the audio files in dataset, by separating sources with Demucs.”, default=True)
  • lr: float = Input(description=”Learning rate”, default=1)
  • epochs: int = Input(description=”Number of epochs to train for”, default=3)
  • updates_per_epoch: int = Input(description=”Number of iterations for one epoch”, default=100) If None, iterations per epoch will be set according to dataset/batch size. If there’s a value, then the number of iterations per epoch will be set as the value.
  • batch_size: int = Input(description=”Batch size”, default=16)

Default Parameters

  • For 8 gpu multiprocessing, batch_size must be a multiple of 8. If not, batch_size will be automatically floored to the nearest multiple of 8.
  • For chord model, maximum batch_size is 16 with 8 x Nvidia A40 machine setting.

Example Code

import replicate

training = replicate.trainings.create(
    "one_same_description":"description for your dataset music",
