vaibhavs10 / incredibly-fast-whisper

whisper-large-v3, incredibly fast, powered by Hugging Face Transformers! 🤗

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Run time and cost

This model runs on Nvidia A40 (Large) GPU hardware. Predictions typically complete within 12 seconds.


Incredibly Fast Whisper

Powered by 🤗 Transformers, Optimum & flash-attn

TL;DR - Transcribe 150 minutes of audio in 100 seconds - with OpenAI’s Whisper Large v3. Blazingly fast transcription is now a reality!⚡️

Optimisation type Time to Transcribe (150 mins of Audio)
Transformers (fp32) ~31 (31 min 1 sec)
Transformers (fp16 + batching [24] + bettertransformer) ~5 (5 min 2 sec)
Transformers (fp16 + batching [24] + Flash Attention 2) ~2 (1 min 38 sec)
distil-whisper (fp16 + batching [24] + bettertransformer) ~3 (3 min 16 sec)
distil-whisper (fp16 + batching [24] + Flash Attention 2) ~1 (1 min 18 sec)
Faster Whisper (fp16 + beam_size [1]) ~9.23 (9 min 23 sec)
Faster Whisper (8-bit + beam_size [1]) ~8 (8 min 15 sec)