xavriley / beat_this

Detect beats in music

  • Public
  • 8 runs
  • GitHub
  • Paper
  • License



Run time and cost

This model runs on Nvidia T4 GPU hardware. We don't yet have enough runs of this model to provide performance information.


This runs inference using the current state-of-the-art beat tracker from CPJKU

Upload some audio and get a .tsv file containing (time, beat_number) pairs e.g.

1.8 1
2.56    2
3.32    3
4.08    4
4.84    1
5.62 2
    author = {Francesco Foscarin and Jan Schl{\"u}ter and Gerhard Widmer},
    title = {Beat this! Accurate beat tracking without DBN postprocessing}
    year = 2024,
    month = nov,
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the 25th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR)},
    address = {San Francisco, CA, United States},