
I want to…

Restore images

Models that improve or restore images by deblurring, colorization, and removing noise

Upscale images

Upscaling models that create high-quality images from low-quality images

Make 3D stuff

Models that generate 3D objects, scenes, radiance fields, textures and multi-views.

Latest models

image to text generation

Updated 6.6K runs

Scale-Arbitrary Super-Resolution

Updated 21.2K runs

Image to oil painting generation

Updated 6.2K runs

stylegan3 + clip

Updated 6.9K runs

Live Speech Portraits: Real-Time Photorealistic Talking-Head Animation

Updated 9.7K runs

Caricature Generation via StyleGAN Feature Map Modulation

Updated 5.3K runs

Intelligent image scaling to 4x resolution

Updated 40.6K runs

Arbitrary Neural Style Transfer

Updated 220.3K runs

Removes defocus blur in an image

Updated 117.3K runs

Instance-Conditioned GAN

Updated 26.7K runs

Added downloadable subtitles for openai/whisper

Updated 2.1K runs

Image Super-Resolution

Updated 221.8K runs

Image 4x super-resolution

Updated 75.9K runs

Prompt Parrot generates text2image prompts from finetuned distilgpt2

Updated 246K runs

Frame Interpolation for Large Scene Motion

Updated 263.5K runs

Tools to train a generative model on arbitrary audio samples

Updated 5.2K runs

High-Fidelity GAN Inversion for Image Attribute Editing

Updated 22.1K runs

a StyleGAN Encoder for Image-to-Image Translation

Updated 31.8K runs

ReStyle: A Residual-Based StyleGAN Encoder via Iterative Refinement

Updated 89.2K runs

JoJoGAN: One Shot Face Stylization

Updated 394.3K runs

StyleGAN-NADA: CLIP-Guided Domain Adaptation of Image Generators

Updated 94.2K runs

Real-ESRGAN super-resolution model from ruDALL-E

Updated 481.3K runs

Detects any class given class names

Updated 27.3K runs

Image Restoration Using Swin Transformer

Updated 5.8M runs

Generate image captions

Updated 103M runs

Blind Face Restoration in the Wild

Updated 161K runs

Only a Matter of Style: Age Transformation Using a Style-Based Regression Model

Updated 986.2K runs

Simple image captioning model using CLIP and GPT-2

Updated 1.7M runs

Arbitrary Stylized Face Generation

Updated 7.6K runs

Bringing Old Photos Back to Life

Updated 906.8K runs

pix2pix model for predicting pbr texture maps from an albedo texture

Updated 3.7K runs

Generate subtitles from an audio file, using OpenAI's Whisper model.

Updated 69.3K runs

Detailed, higher-resolution images from Stable Diffusion

Updated 72.9K runs


Updated 131 runs

Stable diffusion fork for generating tileable outputs

Updated 387.7K runs

openai/clip-vit-large-patch14 with Transformers

Updated 5.8M runs

stable-diffusion-textual-inversion fine-tuned with ugly sonic

Updated 2K runs

Generating Natural Images with Direct Patch Distribution Matching

Updated 5.8K runs


Updated 472 runs

Enhance Stable Diffusion prompt.

Updated 36.1K runs

Practical face restoration algorithm for *old photos* or *AI-generated faces*

Updated 15.4M runs

Japanese-specific latent text-to-image diffusion model

Updated 2.4K runs

stable-diffusion-textual-inversion fine-tuned with spyro of the dragon STYLE

Updated 477 runs

Stable Diffusion Textual Inversion

Updated 481 runs

Robust face restoration algorithm for old photos / AI-generated faces

Updated 35.5M runs

Generate videos by interpolating the latent space of Stable Diffusion

Updated 58.3K runs

Practical Image Restoration Algorithms for General/Anime Images

Updated 6.6M runs

Use stable diffusion and aesthetic CLIP embeddings to guide boring outputs to be more aesthetically pleasing.

Updated 4.3K runs

Animating prompts with stable diffusion

Updated 253.8K runs

Activating More Pixels in Image Super-Resolution Transformer

Updated 25K runs